

To cultivate a culture of excellence, innovation, and collaboration in research, we aim to honor presenters with the Best Presentation Awards in the following categories.


Best Paper Award:

Eligibility Criteria

  • Demonstrates original thinking and innovative ideas.
  • Makes a significant contribution to the field of study.
  • Demonstrates rigorous research methods and analysis.
  • Well-written, organized, and easy to understand.
  • Presented clearly and effectively.
  • Has the potential to impact the field or solve a relevant problem.

Best Poster Award:

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Visually appealing, well-organized, and easy to read.
  • Presents clear and concise information about the research.
  • Demonstrates innovative ideas or approaches.
  • Research presented has the potential for significant impact in the field.
  • Presenter demonstrates a deep understanding of the research and answers questions effectively.
  • Presenter effectively presents the poster and engages with the audience.

Young Scientist Award:

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Presenter must be under 35 years old.
  • Conducted high-quality research with clear objectives, methodology, and results.
  • Research made a significant contribution to the field.
  • Published research in reputable journals or presented at conferences.
  • Able to present research effectively.
  • Letters of recommendation may be required.
  • Actively participated in relevant academic and scientific activities.